Week of improving
I am soooo proud of our Dancing girls Chanel & Meredith, both are improving soooo much. Not far ago we started to work on slalom with...

Slalom and coreo
New week new trick, we are learning slalom with Chanel 😍 and working as well a little on our coreo, actually on my movement 😄 Tips for...

First time little coreo with Chanel 😍
After You have some tricks/moves in knowledge, of corse I mean Your dog 😄, it is good to start with training of Your coreo. It is...

“Give paw” & a broomstick 😁
Weekend so I have a little extra time for an extra easy trick/move to learn with Chanel 😊 So this is to learn to give paw, and to give...

Heelwork in strait movement in new positions “Pick” & “Pocket”
Baby Zara is sleeping so together with Chanel we are going to the Coffee where we have space for training heelwork in strait movement,...

Heelwork in strait movement with distance with Chanel
A little time has gone when we first started heelwork in strait movement. But because this is a more difficult thing, note it takes...

HTM positions Close Heel Pick Pocket with Chanel
Our baby Zara is sleeping so Dog Dance training goes on 😄 I missed it already and so I think Chanel too. She loves these extra times,...

Dog Dance fun on Hungarian TV M2!
We are soooo excited, we will be on TV with our sweet Meredith and lovely Chanel for a report of Dog Dance! 😍 It makes me sooo happy...

Chanel balance training
For this week we have dog dance homework with Chanel :) For better balance and stronger muscle we will use a yoga pillow. It is a great...

Chanel's first time in Dog Dance School
Waited sooo much already for it, to take Chanel as well to Dog Dance school driven by Anikó Juhász 😍 Yes, January came and Chanel is...

Chanel Target Stick training
Today we awesomely are waiting for the mail, why? Our new target stick is arriving 😍 Of course I have to try it out with our dancing...

Chanel heelwork training
As I am in love with dog dancing together with our Aussie girl Meredith, I want to do with our Chanel this as well. With Meredith we do...

Chanels Dog Dance song
We found our song with Chanel for Dog Dance :) Because she will be just 6 months when we will enter Dog Dance competition in...