Chanel JBOG2 😍
NDS Turja 29.09.2018 Chanel - Glamour Aussie’s All My Dreams Come True First got JCAC & JBOB in big strong competition with only 11months...
Chanel goes BIS3 with only 10months 😍
I am over the moon first Chanel (Glamour Aussie’s All My Dreams Come True) goes JBOB & BOB in big conpetition and after she made BIS3 at...
BOB for Chanel & 🏆BOG3🏆
Super proud of Chanel she made at 2x Debrecen NDS & IDS with only 9 months in big competition out of 12aussies BOB by judge Calin Simu...
Chanel is BEST BABY & short selected in BIS
First show for Chanel - Glamour Aussie’s All My Dreams Come True @ Salgótarján NDS, and she made BEST BABY & was short selected in Best...